Finishing Orders

Orders can be exported to be asserted and finished by the ERP, they are exported according to their operations.

For example, if you choose to export Orders with operations 1 (Outbound) and 2 (Inbound), these orders will be available trough the API to be queried and finished in the Get Order endpoint.

After you queried the exported orders, you can do any operation you want in your ERP (Such as finishing the order) and then call back our API once you are done, this will keep both our system up to date.

You can finish an Order through our Conclude Order endpoint, the request should look something like this:

    "relationalOrderId": "847125",
    "relationalOperationalId": "5",
    "orderBegin": "ECOMMERCE",


orderNumbersOrder Id in WMS.No
relationalOrderIdOrder Id in ERP.No
relationalOperationalIdLogistics Operation Id in ERP.Yes
orderBeginOrder origin.No


You need to pass either orderNumbers or relationalOrderId.