Our API is capable of generate both Analytical and Synthetical Invetories. By definition an Analytical Inventory have individual records about the inventory and a Synthetical one has only de aggregated inventory.

Analytical Inventories can be generated through our Get Analytical Audit Inventory endpoint, the query parameters are:

relationalOperationalIdLogistics Operation Id in ERP.Yes
relationalProductIdProduct Id in ERP.No
retroactiveDateThe initial date the Inventory will consider.No


If you pass the relationalProductId parameter, only this product will be considered for inventory.


If you don't pass the retroactiveDate the inventory will consider all available data.

Synthetic Inventories can be generated through our Get Synthetic Audit Inventory endpoint.

relationalOperationalIdLogistics Operation Id in ERP.Yes
relationalProductIdProduct Id in ERP.No
retroactiveDateThe initial date the Inventory will consider.No


If you pass the relationalProductId parameter, only this product will be considered for inventory.


If you don't pass the retroactiveDate the inventory will consider all available data.