How to create a Carrier
Couriers are the ones resposible to carry out your client orders as so they are mandatory to assembly and create a delivery.
Couriers can be created through our Entity endpoint, the request should look something like this:
"name": "FedEx", // Person or Company's name
"tradeName": "FedEx", // Company's trade name
"personType": 1, // Person type (0 = Person, 1 = Company)
"entityTypeId": 13, // Entity type
"relationalEntityCode": "8504", // Entity's Id on the origin system
"situationCode": 1, // Entity status (3 = In registration, 01 = Active, 02 = Inactive)
These are the mandatory fields to create an Courier.
Couriers always have the
property set to13
Multiple Couriers can be created within the same request.
Optional fields
Name | Description | Default Value |
subType | Any subtype you want to add to this Entity | |
entityNote | Any notes you want to add to an Entity | |
street | Street address | |
typeAddressCode | (Ver com Marcelo) | |
district | Address district | |
zipCode | Address zipCode | |
complement | Address complement | |
city | Address city | |
initialsState | Address state initials | |
flag | Flags are used to group entitys | |
stateRegistration | Company's State Registration Number (Brazil only) | |
routeId | WMS route Id to be associated with this entity | |
route | WMS route description to be associated with this entity |
For more information about the required properties please refer to our API Reference here.
Updated almost 3 years ago