How to create a Carrier


Couriers are the ones resposible to carry out your client orders as so they are mandatory to assembly and create a delivery.

Couriers can be created through our Entity endpoint, the request should look something like this:

    "name": "FedEx", // Person or Company's name
    "tradeName": "FedEx", // Company's trade name
    "personType": 1, // Person type (0 = Person, 1 = Company)
    "entityTypeId": 13, // Entity type
    "relationalEntityCode": "8504", // Entity's Id on the origin system
    "situationCode": 1, // Entity status (3 = In registration, 01 = Active, 02 = Inactive)

These are the mandatory fields to create an Courier.


Couriers always have the entityTypeId property set to 13.


Multiple Couriers can be created within the same request.

Optional fields

NameDescriptionDefault Value
subTypeAny subtype you want to add to this Entity
entityNoteAny notes you want to add to an Entity
streetStreet address
typeAddressCode(Ver com Marcelo)
districtAddress district
zipCodeAddress zipCode
complementAddress complement
cityAddress city
initialsStateAddress state initials
flagFlags are used to group entitys
stateRegistrationCompany's State Registration Number (Brazil only)
routeIdWMS route Id to be associated with this entity
routeWMS route description to be associated with this entity

For more information about the required properties please refer to our API Reference here.