How to cancel an Order

You can cancel an Order through our Cancel Order endpoint, the request should look something like this:

    "relationalOrderId": "string",
    "relationalOperationalId": "5",
    "cancellationId": "string",
    "cancellationDescription": "string",
    "cancellationDate": "string",


orderNumbersOrder Id in WMS.No
relationalOrderIdOrder Id in ERP.No
cancellationIdCancellation reason Id.No
cancellationDescriptionCancellation reason description.No
cancellationDateCancellation date.Yes


You must pass either orderNumbers or relationalOrderId.


You must pass either cancellationId or cancellationDescription.
If you pass cancellationId we will look for a cancellation reason with this Id.
If you pass cancellationDescription we will look for a cancellation reason with this description, if not found we will create it.