How to cancel an Order
You can cancel an Order through our Cancel Order endpoint, the request should look something like this:
"relationalOrderId": "string",
"relationalOperationalId": "5",
"cancellationId": "string",
"cancellationDescription": "string",
"cancellationDate": "string",
Name | Description | Req. |
orderNumbers | Order Id in WMS. | No |
relationalOrderId | Order Id in ERP. | No |
cancellationId | Cancellation reason Id. | No |
cancellationDescription | Cancellation reason description. | No |
cancellationDate | Cancellation date. | Yes |
You must pass either
You must pass either
If you passcancellationId
we will look for a cancellation reason with this Id.
If you passcancellationDescription
we will look for a cancellation reason with this description, if not found we will create it.
Updated almost 3 years ago